Yogi Short Dress (Product Description)

Extreme comfort and versatility

Extremely lightweight and comfortable, the Yogi Short Dress makes you feel like you can get moving at all times.

Top: Yogi Short Dress (Mint) / Bottom: Perfect Leggings (Dark Grey)


Wear the Yogi Short Dress with style

The short dress is made with natural cellulose fibre which is of high absorbability and provides a glossy finish. This is why the dress feels extremely soft and silky. In addition, the stretchable and elastic characteristics of the dress makes it an extremely comfortable piece to put on for Yoga. 

Top: Yogi Short Dress (Mint) / Bottom: Perfect Leggings (Grey)

The top half of the dress is tailored to gently wrap around your body in the most figure-flattering manner. The skirt is also made of a slightly thicker elastic fabric which creates a tightening effect at the hip area, effecting in a defined silhouette at the tummy and hip area. 


Top: Yogi Short Dress (Mint) / Bottom: Perfect Leggings (Grey)

This dress covers the hip area entirely which makes it a perfect combination with leggings. Along with the high waistline design, the dress gives a shaping effect, providing the visuals of longer legs and slimmer waist.

Top: Yogi Short Dress (Mint) / Bottom: Perfect Leggings (Dark Grey)

This dress will make you look stylish effortlessly!